Since I've been a crappy blogger recently, I thought I'd do another opinion based blog. Now I thought I'd blog my opinion on homosexuality. I'm not a lesbian of bisexual, however some of my family are and some of my mum's friends are, I have some friends who are gay/lesbians, and honestly I don't get why people are so against homosexuality. Everyone who I know that is homosexual is exactly the same as me, they're just attracted to the same sex as themselves.

I wrote a speech for my Drama assessment about being gay and thought I'd share it with you, I don't want to offend anyone so if I've made an error feel free to correct me...
The Speech ;
Being gay isn't and was never a choice - just like the colour of someone's skin isn't and was never a choice - but judging someone by one of their features would be racist. Wouldn't it? It would be offensive. Wouldn't it?
But saying things like "that's so gay" is offensive but it just gets passed off in society like it's not offensive - when really it's as bad as being racist. Isn't it?
No. That's the answer to the question for so many people in this world. But why? Why, in this day and age have we managed to change the way we look at everything and everyone in this world and what and who we can accept - but other human beings are still being discriminated against? Labelled. Grouped. Then discriminated against. That's what this society does with people who are gay.
Being gay doesn't change you as a person. You're just attracted to other people. It's not a lifestyle. It's not a choice. So why does everyone reject it so much? Who are you to judge? Who are you to discriminate? Who are you to decide what's "acceptable" and what's not? Because after all, being gay isn't ok. It isn't "acceptable". Is it?
That's my idea of society's relationship with gay people. I could be totally wrong but that's just how I see it. I just thought I'd write this post because it is something I've always felt strongly about and I'd like to share my thoughts with you and I'd like to get your opinions too. If you are going to comment please be thoughtful and aware that other people will be reading the comments and they wouldn't appreciate anything harmful or mean targeted at them.
Also know that I do read the comments and I am more than happy to answer any questions or just to give any advice / try to give any advice (be warned that I probably won't have the greatest advice...)
That's it
Kalli xxx
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