Wednesday, 22 April 2015

Some BIG NEWS + Blogger doesn't hate me...


Ok I'm really happy now - Blogger doesn't actually hate me (maybe Blogger is a girl and was having a period or something)...and now I can have my background a do stuff on my blog without hating the way it looked!

I'm also currently adding extra pages to my blog so thinks might be easier to find....I don't know....

And the absolutely, without-a-doubt, most important and biggest news ever...

*drum roll please*


and I knew he'd be a boy!

Now I don't have to refer to him as "it" or "the baby" because he's a HE!!!!

I'm so excited!!!!!

So enjoy my lovely anchor background - and keep your eyes on the top of my blog page for more extension pages with little pictures and other lovely little extras!

That's it
Kalli xxx

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