Friday, 19 June 2015

Watermelon, Strawberry, Cucumber + Mint Smoothie


I have another smoothie recipe for you today! I made this earlier on in the week and just didn't get round to blogging about it, then my brain just exploded with things that I realized that I need to write for this blog so I'm just  trying to evenly space everything out last minute (I haven't even written the second chapter to the story yet!! Ooops)

Anyway, here is my watermelon, strawberry, cucumber + mint smoothie recipe. Hope you like it!!

Watermelon, Strawberry, Cucumber + Mint Smoothie

Ingredients :
A handful of strawberries (mine were HUGE so I only had to use 3)
Half a cucumber
2 - 3 mint leaves
A small glassful of Rubicon Watermelon Juice

- You could peel the cucumber (I forgot to peel the cucumber but it still tasted nice) and take the leaves off of your strawberries and wash them etc etc, wash the mint leaves and pour a small glass of Rubicon Watermelon juice (my glass is one of the old Nutella jars).

- Cut up your cucumber and blend everything for about a minute.

- Feel free to add more juice or strawberries etc if you don't like the taste but I really liked how it turned out with all of the original quantities

- Take pictures for bragging on Instagram, Twitter, Snapchat, Facebook etc

- And drink :)

Those green bits are the cucumber peel!!!

I hope you like this recipe, I have another recipe for ice lollies (it will probably go up tomorrow) also, the second chapter of the story will go up sometime this weekend (if not, Monday at the latest) and I also need to film and edit a YouTube video at some point because once again, my brain has been all over the place and I have been the most unorganized human being on the Earth and haven't planned anything properly. I'm sorry!!!

That's it
Kalli xxx

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