Thursday, 9 July 2015

Long Trip, Chewy Pizza + Dodgy Hotel Rooms...


Yep, daily blogging is harder than I had thought it would be, but I've been so busy. I've been getting everything that I needed for this trip to Paris, and it was my little sisters birthday yesterday so I didn't really have time to blog yesterday either. Sorry.

But anyway, I'm blogging from my hotel room in Paris. It took so long to get here and we were on the coach for the majority of the time. We left the school at 10:30am and got to our hotel room at yeah, long trip or what? 

We had a pizza at the restaurant next to our hotel but the pizza there was chewy, like it had been heated up. Also, me and my chummie had to sit on a table with two girls that we didn't connect with on any level, but on the plus side, there was pretty good looking waiter....

Our hotel is a budget hotel (I'm not even kidding, it's called the ibis BUDGET hotel). The bathroom door is completely bust, so it doesn't actually shut. The TV doesn't turn up loud enough, the bed isn't too hygienic, the ceiling looks like it's going to fall apart, there are insects lodging in between the windows and room is highly claustrophobic. It is quite depressing really.

We are discovering more and more weird, and in-explainable marks on the bed and walls. 

Please wish me and my chummie luck in this hotel room. We need it.

That's it
Kalli xxx  

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