Friday, 20 February 2015

Hello...again ...


This blog post has no real purpose. I just felt really bad for not posting my blog on the right day! I mean - the guilt is so overpowering and I thought about how you guys (all 166 of you - yeah I know right 166! 166???!!!???) would have felt about it - I know it doesn't seem like much but in my head life for everyone that reads this blog went like this :

*all blog readers search into the search bar Kallis Damn Blog*
*all blog readers see that there wasn't an update*
*some blog readers scream*
*some blog readers cry*
*some blog readers run a hand through their hair in distress*
*some blog readers simply ask in a whisper "why?"*
*other blog readers check all other social media cos they honestly couldn't give a f#$!*

Yes I bleeped out the rude word - I am not and I repeat NOT going to influence young children to swear - who do you think I am? What kind of person do you think I am? Why would I do such a thing?

In other news - I went to Westfield in Shepherds Bush recently and I discovered my miracle (even if it did mean a woman, who was significantly smaller than me, looked straight around my chest area the whole time she talked to me - I know it was weird - I thought I had gotten Nandos' Peri Peri salt on my top). My miracle is the Models Own Chestnut Eye Pencil. It was given to me as a free gift by the lady that stared at my top.

I'm being 100% serious - it has changed my life. 

  1. I can use it as an eyeliner
  2. I can use it as an eyebrow filler
  3. I can use it as eyeshadow
  4. It has a smudger-thingy
It is just amazing - and it was free. IT WAS FREE! I love it and really recommend it for anyone (eyebrow filler wise, I would recommend someone with dark brown eyebrows).

I am not sponsored by Models Own - I just really like the eye liner - and please keep your head up if you are talking to a female that is taller than you - I mean, it is REEAALLY creepy if you just stare at their chest area and can mostly all the time come across pervy.

That's it
Kalli x 

I lied again. I'm sorry. But I almost forgot - it is my birthday in 16 days - for those of you that can't do math, that is 2 weeks and 2 days!!!! *excited scream and waving-fists-in-sync-in-quick-small-movements-near-my-chest and not-quite-jumping-but-not-quite-running-on-the-spot weirdness*

I'm so excited!

That's it
Kalli x

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