Saturday, 28 February 2015

Pizza, The Dress + Breaking My Toe ...


Just an update post - nothing major.

  1. The Dress is White + Gold
  2.  I broke my toe today (ouch)
  3. Me and my chummie made pizza's from scratch (they came out amazing)
  4. Me and my chummie are thinking of opening a pizza business
  5. We want to call it 'Better Than Dominoes' (we also do dough balls)
  6. And The Dress is clearly WHITE AND GOLD so just don't even...
That's it
Kalli x

Monday, 23 February 2015



Yep I know, if you're living in the UK especially - it's late but I have a serious Asos addiction, I'm on Asos and haven't even got cash to spend on it. 

I think I need a doctor...

That's it
Kalli xxx



Welcome to another one of my Main Blog Posts. I am currently writing this one in black leggings and a woolly Christmas jumper from Primark. No again, I'm not fully mad - I just enjoy wearing comfortable clothing ok? Don't you like festive, comfortable clothing? Anyway, to the point -

Random person that reads my blog "There was a point?"
Me "Yes, I was just getting to the point ok? Why do you always interrupt me?"
Random person that reads my blog "You know, I don't even know"

Ok then....sometimes I think I get a little too carried away with the role of the Random person that reads my blog don't you think so? Oh yeah - I was actually trying to make a point of this blog.

Well, I'm considering performing at my schools annual talent show
Fun Fact
In my first year of High School I joined the talent show and won (yay)

I performed for the school a while after then in year 8 (second year) I developed anxiety and stopped. I lost all confidence (no this is not an X-factor audition - this whole grim stuff will be over in a sec) but, then I went to Disneyland with the school and grew some confidence again. My school also tested this program (yeah I was a guinea pig for 3 weeks) and it was called 'Managing & Understand Anxiety' or something and it helped. So this year I decided to get over my anxiety a little so I got myself a solo for the schools annual Euro Disney Trip and I'm putting myself up for the talent show.

I want a dog.

Do any of you guys have a dog? Or do you want one?

And that was the question.

That's it
Kalli x

Sunday, 22 February 2015

It's Sunday...


The following blog post contains a serious spoiler - if you haven't watched Eastenders (but then again who hasn't?) WATCH IT NOW on BBC iPlayer or Youtube or something because I know Lucy's killer and I need to express how I feel about it. So yeah, you've been warned.

It's Sunday! I'm posting on the right day!!! In 2 more Sunday's it will be my birthday!!!
Why am I so excited? you ask?

Well let me tell you. I don't have a clue. It's just one of those things you know? You get excited but you don't know why. I know you've all felt that at least once. Anyway - Eastenders. Oh. My. God. What the actual hell? I couldn't believe it either! Really? I mean - he must have been a sociopath to keep that in like that - for that long.


OMG it was Bobby. Bobby Beale. Lucy's little brother. WHAT THE ACTUAL F%£! ??? I'm not going to say anymore than that - go watch the episode I'm not your TV guide that spoils everything ok?

But oh my God.

Anyway, on with the question!

What have you been excited about and didn't even know why?


That's it
Kalli x

Saturday, 21 February 2015



I know - extra exclamation marks!!! It's just because this blog has hit over 200 views and I am sooooo happy! I know it seems like a small number but to me that is 200 people from around the world that actually like me and this blog - no I'm not about to be another X Factor auditioner with sob-story of the year, I'm just really happy, I'm glad that you guys actually like this blog and I'd really appreciate comments - if you're unsure of anything or just need a virtual cuddle because you're feeling low - post a comment or something. I'd just like to say a big thank you to all of you who read this so


That's it
Lots of love and virtual hugs
Kalli xxx

Friday, 20 February 2015

Hello...again ...


This blog post has no real purpose. I just felt really bad for not posting my blog on the right day! I mean - the guilt is so overpowering and I thought about how you guys (all 166 of you - yeah I know right 166! 166???!!!???) would have felt about it - I know it doesn't seem like much but in my head life for everyone that reads this blog went like this :

*all blog readers search into the search bar Kallis Damn Blog*
*all blog readers see that there wasn't an update*
*some blog readers scream*
*some blog readers cry*
*some blog readers run a hand through their hair in distress*
*some blog readers simply ask in a whisper "why?"*
*other blog readers check all other social media cos they honestly couldn't give a f#$!*

Yes I bleeped out the rude word - I am not and I repeat NOT going to influence young children to swear - who do you think I am? What kind of person do you think I am? Why would I do such a thing?

In other news - I went to Westfield in Shepherds Bush recently and I discovered my miracle (even if it did mean a woman, who was significantly smaller than me, looked straight around my chest area the whole time she talked to me - I know it was weird - I thought I had gotten Nandos' Peri Peri salt on my top). My miracle is the Models Own Chestnut Eye Pencil. It was given to me as a free gift by the lady that stared at my top.

I'm being 100% serious - it has changed my life. 

  1. I can use it as an eyeliner
  2. I can use it as an eyebrow filler
  3. I can use it as eyeshadow
  4. It has a smudger-thingy
It is just amazing - and it was free. IT WAS FREE! I love it and really recommend it for anyone (eyebrow filler wise, I would recommend someone with dark brown eyebrows).

I am not sponsored by Models Own - I just really like the eye liner - and please keep your head up if you are talking to a female that is taller than you - I mean, it is REEAALLY creepy if you just stare at their chest area and can mostly all the time come across pervy.

That's it
Kalli x 

I lied again. I'm sorry. But I almost forgot - it is my birthday in 16 days - for those of you that can't do math, that is 2 weeks and 2 days!!!! *excited scream and waving-fists-in-sync-in-quick-small-movements-near-my-chest and not-quite-jumping-but-not-quite-running-on-the-spot weirdness*

I'm so excited!

That's it
Kalli x

Wednesday, 18 February 2015



I know. I'm a terrible person! I forgot about my Monday blog post. I'm so, SO sorry. I've been so busy with my Chummie, I forgot.

But you have to understand that Lush and Nandos and time with my Chummie are very important to me - and I do care about this blog, but other things have distracted me such as :

1. I was Valentineless for another year
2. I forgot about Pancake Day until the evening - meaning I didn't have Pancakes for breakfast!
3. Mr Ferrero died
4. My birthday is in 18 days 
5. I still can't make up my mind on what I would like for my birthday
6. I have loads of homework
7. There aren't enough days in the half term to do it.

Which kind of brings me to the main question 

What have you got to do but don't have enough time to do?

Did that make sense? It doesn't matter - this blog post is a big mess anyway - I'm sorry. But on the plus side, my first YouTube video will be filmed and posted next month!!! Whoop whoop!

That's it
Kalli x

Sunday, 15 February 2015

Horror Movies, Ice Cream + Annoying Pop-Ups ...


FINALLY it's Sunday (by that I mean I'm actually blogging when I'm supposed to). I'm currently at my chummies house eating ice cream. We're about to watch a horror movie (it's standard for my chummie, whenever I stay at least 1 horror movie has to be watched, it's not the same without one!). But I was thinking (I was about to say contemplating but I didn't know if it was the right context to use it...), I used to be petrified of most horror movies - so scared I wouldn't sleep at night - but now they're only scary in the that normal? or has my soul been darkened by my slight horror movie obsession?

Now we'd usually watch a horror movie on Netflix, but we've watched all of the good ones (The Human Centipede, The Human Centipede 2, Sinister etc....) and we've had to move on. So my chummie started getting movies up on Putlocker, CartoonMoviesHD etc.


By this, I mean serious pop-ups. It's so annoying - and none of them are even movie related! I mean - come on. Do any of you guys use these sites? Do any of you suffer from serious pop-up overloads?

Anyway, a lot of things have happened since I started writing this specific blog post.
  1. I watched 3 horror movies in a row with my chummie
  2. We called our other mate and she complained about how me and chummie do stuff without her (jeeze, some people)
  3. We went and got a pizza
  4. We watched a Disney movie

And in all that, I realized that I get distracted WAY too easily. And with that comes the big question:

Do you get easily distracted??

Post your comments below along with how badly you get distracted (if you want, that is) and I'll be posting again tomorrow.

That's it

That's not it - I almost forgot. I added a poll-thingy to this blog page, with a question that you can answer (obviously) - but there are set answers and you usually only have to pick one answer anyway and it's literally one click and anonymous so yeah - why not try it out?

That's it
Kalli x

Thursday, 12 February 2015

Meeeeeeh..... :(


I had to delete my first post. It was messing up and I couldn't make it normal. This is a sad time for my blog. Sorry if you liked the first blog post, but I had to delete it - it was a rebel that couldn't be changed - so it got deleted.

That's it
Kalli x


Wednesday, 11 February 2015

Just a quickie (I promise) ...


This is just a quick one - I promise!

Here's a quick list of things you should know :

  1. My chummie started a blog
  2. My chummie's blog is called Gee's Blog
  3. You should check out my chummie's blog
  4. I own other social media accounts....
  5. ....such as Twitter @kallisspace
  6. Instagram kallis_space
  7. Tumblr kallisxspace (or Kallis Blog, whatever floats your boat)
  8. That's It!
Kalli x

Tuesday, 10 February 2015

Yes, I know It's Tuesday ...


Yes I know it's Tuesday!

Some random person that reads this blog "but you said that you only post on Mondays!"
Me "Yeah, I know j-just shut up and let me finish"
Some random person that reads my blog "oh..ok...rude much?"

And yes, I did say I'd only post on Monday's, but I don't think that posting once a week is enough! I mean my head is full of knowledge that I need to pass on to you guys like:
  1. Next week Tuesday is Pancake Day
  2. Yesterday was National Pizza Day
  3. The very first Saturday of February is Eat Ice Cream For Breakfast Day (I know right!)
  4. June 16th is National Donut Day (did I spell donut right? - probably not)
Yeah ok, all of those facts were food based - but you still learnt something new (no you didn't know that there was such thing as the Eat Ice Cream For Breakfast Day so don't try it!)

Anyway, back to the point. I NEED TO POST ON MORE THAT ONE DAY!!!!!
I might post every Sunday....

NEW POST'S EVERY MONDAY AND SUNDAY!!! Look out for them (and yes - if I want to post a quick update like this one I will random person who reads my blog ok? I will)

That's it
Kalli x

Wait! I lied, that's not it, here's the list of food days so that we all know when it's National Chocolate Pudding Day (it's June 26th if you're wondering)

That's it
Kalli x

Monday, 9 February 2015

The Definition of "Chummie"

Chummie : the friend that is your closest - there's a best friend - then there's a chummie. You love your chummie and you hate your chummie, but you know they're going to be there, by your side for the long run. We all have a chummie, even if you don't know it yet. They're there  -

Shaving Foam, Mugshots + Online "Soul-mates" ...


Welcome to my Monday blog post. If you didn't know already, every Monday I will post a main blog post, that will have a main question (no, not trivia, just a general question like, do you like Nutella? of course, the answer is YES). This is the Monday post - because it's Monday ... obviously ...

Anyway, over the weekend I stayed the night at my mates houses and had a great time. I first stayed at my chummie's house, and my other close mate was there too and we ordered a Domino's pizza and donuts and it was great.

Then we went on Omegle. We saw so
me really weird people. Like dudes wanking off and guys just being weird. There were a couple of good looking guys who were really sweet, but we didn't get to talk to them for long :(

Once my mate had gone to sleep, me and my chummie got out the shaving foam and we squirted it all over our mate. Sh woke up - after we had taken a couple of pictures - and after we had Snapchatted it... and we all had a massive shaving foam fight. Shaving foam got everywhere - and I mean everywhere. And not just in the room - it was in our ears, up our noses,  down our tops, in our hair.

It was awful.

Anyway, the next day I went to my other close mates house (not the one that me and my chummie foamed) and we went back on Omegle, and she found a dude - she really liked him and searched for him all night - I think she thought he was her soul-mate - can you have an online soul-mate? My other mate has had 2 online boyfriends - from what I know of.

So my question is ....

Do you believe that you can find your Soul-mate online??

Post your answer in the comments below!

That's it
Kalli x

Thursday, 5 February 2015

A Post From Sprinkleofglitter's Tumblr ...

"Women are a balancing act
Don’t eat too much, don’t eat too little. Don’t be fat, don’t be too skinny. God do you ever stop eating? Woah do you ever eat? The not-so-well-concealed looks of disgust, the not-so-well-concealed looks of concern.
Don’t be loud. Don’t be quiet. Have a voice in society, leave the talking to the big boys. You want something, speak up! No, no, when it’s your turn, sweetie. Ugh, she never shuts up, it’s obnoxious. Have you ever heard her talk? I don’t even know what her voice sounds like.
Make sure your skirt is long enough, but not too long. Don’t make yourself too available, but you don’t want to look like a grandma. Show off what you got, but if you do it’s your fault if anything happens. Was your skirt long enough? How is any boy going to look at you if you wear that?
Have sex, but stay innocent. Give us what we want, but we hate sluts. Virgins are so sweet. What do you mean you want to stay abstinent until marriage? Do you even live in our society? Life without sex is boring. Life with sex is disgusting. God, have you seen her? She’s banged every guy in the school. God, have you seen her? Still a virgin at her age.
Be smart, but not too smart. Boys like a smarter girl. Boys can’t stand it when you know more than them. Play dumb. Ugh, not that dumb, god, weren’t you even listening? They like a smarter girl. No, no, now you just look like a nerd. Girls don’t belong in the classroom, they have to take care of the kids. You want a well-paying job? Take some incentive and study. You can’t slack off because you’re a girl.
Do what you love, but don’t. Be yourself, unless it goes against what we say. Do you love to do your hair and makeup? Great, you’re good to go. Approved. Do you love videogames and guns? You’re faking it. You’re lying. You’re pretending. You’re wrong"

That's it
Kalli x

Getting Fitter ...


Recently, I've been trying to tone up. It was going well for a while but then - as per usual, I got lazy. However, I was doing well on the 30-Day squats and Abs challenge and 10 minuets of hula-hooping a day, but whenever I missed a day, I'd have to catch up with what I missed etc, and at first it was fine. It was easy. But then everything changed. Suddenly everything got harder and I couldn't pull through.

So I gave up.

That's it
Kalli x

Wednesday, 4 February 2015

My cat has a cold ...


Recently, London's weather has gone from standard to shit. Due to this, my cat (if you couldn't tell from the title of this post) has caught a cold. And yes, cats do catch colds.

My cat Charlie wont stop sneezing. He sneezes constantly - even in his sleep. Because Charlie, is a Bengal (he's part of the Siamese cat family as well as Bengal, for anyone that didn't know already) he is partly cross-eyed. However, this recent cold has caused him to become even more confused and cross-eyed.

The cold has really affected him.

So, do any of you have pets? Have they recently caught a cold? Let me know in the comments please!

That's it 
Kalli x

Awkwardness ...


Ok, so there's this guy that I think is really cool. I really like him. Like really like him. Infact, I like him to point that I cant speak to him - at all.

It's really bad. It's bad to the point tat when I pass him in the hall my brain goes spaz mode and I try and push up my glasses (even if I'm not wearing any) and I let out this weird under-my-breath-noise that goes something along the lines of nnnnnnnfghluhunk.

Please help me - or at least tell me that I'm not the only one.

That's it

Things are moving way to quickly ...


Recently my school's been talking about GCSE's and college and life choices etc etc and it's really been making me over think - everything.

I thought I was ready for my GCSE's. I thought I was ready to choose my options. I thought I was ready to end school and live my life. I thought I was ready. But I'm not. I want to stay at home and hide from the world because it's petrifying and I'm not ready - at all.

I wanted to know how your'e all dealing with GCSE's - whether you've started, finished or choosing your options. Your comments would be really appreciated by me or anyone who is feeling like me.

That's it 
Kalli x

New Things ...


Omg! Loads (well not loads loads, but sorta loads) of things have happened recently!! So I'm obviously going to tell you about everything!

  1. Ok, so I'm going to Disneyland Paris with my school (for the second year in a row)
  2. I'm going to be performing in Disneyland Paris with my school!!!
  3. I'm setting up a YouTube Channel (finally)
  4. I have made my channel art and read all of the fine-print details (there's a lot of  fine-print details)
  5. I accidentally deleted my YouTube account whilst trying to delete something else on my channel (luckily no videos were deleted)
  6. I re-set up my YouTube channel.
  7. And probably no, definitely the biggest thing that has happened to me (well, since I was diagnosed with my younger sister 10 years ago). I am going to have my very first baby cousin in September this year!!!!!
Yes, my uncle and his girlfriend are pregnant (no, not my uncle - my uncle is not - and I mean NOT going to give birth in September, that would be weird)

I'm not over-reacting. I absolutely love babies. And there has not been a single baby in my family for 10 years (like I said, 10 years ago I was diagnosed with my little sister - and I still have not recovered). So if you couldn't tell already, I love babies and I'm SO excited for this one to come along!

Anyway - It's question time!

I'm just going to make this clear that every Monday, I will post a proper blog (like this one) where there will be a main topic and a question at the end that you guys can answer if you want (no, the question isn't like trivia or something) And if you want to ask me something you can in the comments and I will answer them as soon as possible.

So back to the question.

What about you guys?

Has anything remotely interesting happened to you lately? Post in the comments if anything has happened, or you have a question for me!

That's it
Kalli x

Smile ...


Ok, so I tried blogging on Tumblr, but Tumblr is really for pictures and fan fictions of all kinds (believe me - there are LOADS). Anyway, I am transporting all of my Tumblr blog posts onto here for all of you lovely people! - ooh how lucky you are!

Anyway, back onto the actual topic and point of this blog post, recently I've been feeling down because my anxiety has been hanging around like my own personal thundercloud and I've been looking for ways of getting this negativity off of my back for as much as possible, and someone told me to smile.

I thought, what? I'm feeling so bad and crowded with negativity and you want me to smile. But I thought about it and realized that smiling is like yawning - and no I'm not completely bonkers (only slightly). You know when you yawn, and if someone sees you yawn they yawn back? If you smile, someone - unless they're really moody cows (moo) will smile back and it can then make you happy and possibly make them happy too (I do realize that I sound like an absolute nutter - you don't need to tell me that). But If you get my drift let me know if you give it a go (I'm such a poet)

That's it
Kalli x